In order for patients to know that they have an item to view on the Patient Portal, we have created Portal Alerts. All messages sent
to the Portal will automatically trigger an Alert to be sent to the patient. This alert will be in the form of a Text Message or Email.
Contained within the alert will be a link to the Portal which upon login will take the patient directly to the item the alert was triggered off of.
Portal Invitations
Send invitations for patients to create and access the Portal. This can be triggered automatically with the use of a notification or manually with a few clicks in the system.
Patient Items
Send notifications to view image results, authorization statuses, or other clinical reminders. An alert will be sent to the patient via Email or SMS and direct them to the
Portal to view these items. When the user logs into the portal these items can be viewed immediately.
Send videos to patients with the use of Portal Alerts. Have a post op care instruction video that you would like a patient to see? Quickly send the patient
a secure link that will open the video on their Portal account.
Automatically have documents such as visit summaries sent to the Portal after a visit and an alert will be sent to the patient that it is ready to be viewed.